
Blue Card (Blue Card) In Poland. Main Requirements And Other Important Information

Blue Card (Blue Card) In Poland. Main Requirements And Other Important Information

Blue Card is a residence permit issued in connection with the performance of highly skilled work in one of the EU countries.

What is a highly skilled occupation?

It is an occupation that requires a foreigner to have either a university degree or to have at least 5 years of professional experience at a level comparable to the level of qualification obtained as a result of a university degree, which is necessary to perform this work. The amount of the minimum gross annual salary required for the granting of the permit may not be less than the equivalent of 150% of the amount of the average salary in the national economy in the year preceding the application for a temporary residence permit to perform work in a highly qualified profession.

This means that a foreigner must meet two conditions:

  1. have a university degree or at least 5 years of work experience, as evidenced by documents such as employment certificates, contracts or bachelor’s/specialist degrees.
  2. and an employment contract / contract of mandate / contract for at least 1 year with an employer from the EU (in our case Polish). However, the payment must be at least 150% of the average salary.

The Blue Card application process can take several months and requires a number of documents, including a valid passport, proof of higher education or work experience, and a job offer from a Polish employer.

The EU Blue Card is issued for up to 3 years. After 5 years of uninterrupted legal residence in Poland, a Blue Card holder can apply for a long-term EU residence permit.

Note that if you get a Blue Card in Poland and decide to move to Germany, for example, you should study German law, as it may differ from the specifics of Polish law. The following countries do not participate in the Blue Card program: the United Kingdom, Ireland and Denmark.

Despite being in the EU, if the document was issued by the Polish authorities, its extended rights apply only to the territory of Poland.

Income level for Blue Card for 2022 in Poland:

The income level for applying for a Blue Card (a temporary residence permit for skilled work) in 2023 – and at the beginning of 2024 – is PLN 9519.22 gross. The amount not less than specified must be stated in the contract as well as in the attachment.

Useful information to know:

⁃ You apply for a temporary residence permit in person, no later than the last day of legal residence in the Republic of Poland;

⁃ You can only obtain a residence card in person;

⁃ The fee for the Blue Card is 440 PLN. You also need to pay the card fee (100zl if you applied after 29.07.22, earlier the fee was 50zl, and if you applied before 28.07.22).

⁃ 440zl should be paid immediately at the time of application to the following account.

Taxpayer Service Center

57 Obozowa St., 01-161 Warsaw

21 1030 1508 0000 0005 5000 0070

⁃ Fingerprints will be taken for the residence card;

⁃ Documents in Polish should be submitted in originals or photocopies with originals;

⁃ Documents in a foreign language must be accompanied by a Polish translation by a Polish sworn translator.

The blue card is a popular method of legalization in Europe due to several factors. Many people can use it, so we already have many successful cases in this regard. If you need help with legalization in Poland – don’t wait, contact us.

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